2015 Programme
Saturday 2nd May 2015
SouthDowns Camerata Ensemble
7.30pm, St Peter's, Petersfield
String and piano quartets by Beethoven and Brahms
Sara Deborah Struntz, Dorry Macaulay, violins
Helena Moore, viola; Mikhail Ledzkan, cello;
Alessandro Timossi, piano
Free Entry, retiring collection (suggested donation £8)
Sunday 3rd May 2015
Singing workshop with Gwyneth Herbert
4pm, St Peter's, West Liss
Workshop programme to be integrated into the evening performance.
£5, registration required
Sunday 3rd May 2015
Gwyneth Herbert in Concert
7.30pm, St Peter's, West Liss
Expect the unexpected from this original singer and composer. All that jazz and more…
Tickets: £10 (workshop participants £7, students & teens £5), at One Tree Books, or at the door. www.gwynethherbert.com
Saturday 9th May 2015
Children's String Workshop
9.30am - 11am, St Mary's, Liss
with members of the SouthDowns Camerata rehearsing Palladia by Karl Jenkins, to be integrated into the 10th May concert.
Free entry, registration required
Saturday 9th May 2015
Musical rehearsal open to artists
11am - 1pm, St Mary's, Liss
Be inspired by the music, musicians and the building; dry and water media only
Saturday 9th May 2015
Jane Austen in Words and Music
7.30pm, St Peter's, West Liss
Music from the Georgian period and the words of Miss Jane Austen; Hampshire’s most famous author
Julia Mayo, local literary historian, and members of the SouthDowns Camarata.
Tickets: £10 (students and teens £5), at One Tree Books, or at the door. Children free.
Sunday 10th May 2015
SouthDowns Camerata
3.30pm, St Mary's, Liss
A family friendly orchestral concert where classical music becomes a feast for the whole community.
Including Vivaldi Violin Concerto RV 222, C.P.E. Bach Flute Concerto Wq.22, Elgar String Serenade, and the premiere of a new composition by local composer Lucy Flint as well as a children’s’ item.
With Marta Gonçalves, flute; Mikhail Ledzkan, cello
Free Entry, retiring collection